Egli & Associates

How to Respond to Tough Questions

When asked a tough question, you have a number of options available in the way you choose to respond to that question. Here are some of those options:

Answer directly...

"Emphatically yes!" or "No!"

Ignore the question and give the answer you want to give...

"Good public education is imperative if we are going to have a future as a nation. If we want to remain leaders in the world, then we need to have young people who have marketable skills and can make wise choices. That's what we're all about here."

Don't respond to the question...

"You're asking me to speculate on what will happen, and neither of us can foretell the future. I try to stick to the facts and the facts are______________________________________."

Recognize your current lack of information and promise to respond at a later time... (but, be certain to respond if you say you will!)

"I don't have that information right now, but I'll get it and get back to you with it."

Acknowledge the question, then BRIDGE to your own question and answer it...

"You're asking about___________, but that's not the most important question here. The most important question is _____________ and the answer to that question is_______."

Permission to reprint all or parts of this article is granted providing credit is given as follows: "Reprinted with permission of Richard A. Egli, APR, ,"

Dick Egli, MA, APR, is a long-time Michigan administrator and public relations director. He currently writes, speaks and consults with schools in Michigan and across the country. To reach him, choose from any of our contact options.