If I saw you in an elevator and asked you a question about why I should put my child in your school district, what would you say?
Would you stumble and fumble and provide platitudes about having a "good" school where "kids learn"? Or would you have some specific reasons that would convince me in a minute or less that yours was a district where I should put my child.
One of the best "elevator" speeches I ever heard was from a principal of a private school. When I asked him why I should put my child in his school, he paused briefly, then responded with quiet enthusiasm.
"Dick," he said, "There are three reasons why you should put your child in my school. First, our test scores are above average and I can prove that; second, our class sizes are small with an average of 12 to one; and third, our teachers not only teach their students, they love them."
Not only should you have an "elevator" speech, your staff and administrators should have that same speech or at least a similar one.
One way is to ask your staff what three things are outstanding about your district or their school. Then take the answers and use them as the basis for developing your speech.
Then let the staff know what the three items are so they can develop their own "elevator" speech.
The "elevator" speech is a great marketing tool. It doesn't cost anything but your time. It sends a consistent and positive message whenever it's used, whether in an elevator or elsewhere.
So, what's your "elevator" speech?
Permission to reprint all or parts of this article is granted providing credit is given as follows: "Reprinted with permission of Richard A. Egli, APR, , www.egliassociates.com"
Dick Egli, MA, APR, is a long-time Michigan administrator and public relations director. He currently writes, speaks and consults with schools in Michigan and across the country. To reach him, choose from any of our contact options.
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